It’s official, Radio 1’s Big Weekend is coming to Luton in 2024.

This year’s event will be the biggest in its history and is likely to generate more than a £3.7 million economic boost for our local businesses.

Step Forward Luton is working in partnership with BBC Radio 1 and Festival Republic to deliver this event. Find out everything you need to know here about how your business can benefit from this exciting opportunity for our town.

Opportunities for local businesses and traders at Radio 1 Big Weekend

There are a number of opportunities for local businesses at the Big Weekend festival, from catering opportunities and specialist event services to commercial opportunities.

If you are a food trader and would like to know more about opportunities at this event please contact

The bar operator for this event is selected by the BBC via a tender process due to the scale of the event and the specialist resource and expertise required. There may be opportunities for bespoke bar activations on site at the event so please contact them via

If your business provides specialist events services, please contact and the events team will contact you if they are interested in getting more information about your company. Please don’t be offended if you don’t hear back from them personally – it just means they are not currently looking for assistance in your particular area.

If you have any enquiries relating to opportunities for commercial brand activations at the event, please contact

Wider opportunities for businesses

BBC Radio 1’s Big Weekend is likely to generate a huge economic boost for our local economy across the weekend and beyond. Last year’s event in Dundee generated an estimated £3.7 million for the local economy and in Luton we are keen to maximise every opportunity to grow and attract more people into Luton.

We would like to keep all of our businesses up to date about these opportunities, with a dedicated information event and regular mail outs ahead of May.

We recently hosted two informative sessions on how the Radio 1 Big Weekend may impact businesses as well as revealed exciting marketing opportunities through the new Step Forward Luton app. The presentation for those sessions can be found below. You can also sign up to the Step Forward Luton App below!


If you have any further questions around opportunities for your business please contact

To find out more about artists, ticket details and other useful information about the event, please visit our dedicated page.

For more information on topics such as road closures and traffic management please visit the Luton Council website.