Tailormade business support
Dedicated support for your business
Start-ups, entrepreneurs or more established businesses looking to grow all turn to us for expert advice and support. Our professional team can signpost you to support, networking or introduce investment opportunities.
Business Support, Funding & Finance
We’re huge champions of Luton’s businesses and want to see your venture succeed. Let’s talk about your business plan and we can make introductions to organisations to help you get access to support & funding.
South East Midlands Growth Hub
- Business intelligence
- Funding & Grants
- Resource Provision
- Network & Support Partnerships
British Business Bank
A government-owned business development bank dedicated to making finance markets work better for smaller businesses
University of Bedfordshire’s Research and Innovation Service
EU-funded project to help SMEs with data, communications and IT.
Business support, funding and finance directory
Browse our directory to find the right support for your business.
Promoting economic growth
Our business engagement team helps to unlock barriers and acts as a catalyst for business expansion.
Contact invest@stepforwardluton.co.uk
Network and connect with like-minds
Luton’s business community is supportive and welcoming. Join business leaders and industry innovators in aviation, advanced manufacturing and engineering or creative and digital. Find networking events, new business opportunities or become an ambassador for Luton.
Invest in Luton
Over £5bn of investment is set to transform Luton, including unprecedented airport growth and a £1.7 billion town centre regeneration programme. Find out why Luton is proving such a solid investment.
Luton’s future
Find out more about the town’s journey to success
Development in Luton
Take a look at the urban transformation underway
Good Business Charter
Luton’s raising the bar on good business practice by signing up to the Good Business Charter (GBC), an accreditation that seeks to raise the bar on business practices for employees, tax, the environment, customers and suppliers.
The council is happy to support businesses looking to achieve the accreditation. If you are interested to find out more, please contact economicgrowth@luton.gov.uk or visit the Good Business Charter website at https://goodbusinesscharter.com/
Find workspace or offices for sale or rent
Luton offers long-term value with competitively priced, flexible commercial and office space and there’s more high-quality space in the pipeline. View available commercial premises for sale, rent or lease.
Becoming carbon neutral
Luton has pledged to become a carbon neutral town by 2040. Everyone is involved in this ambitious journey. Find net zero advice for your business as well as skills training, funding and energy saving schemes.
Workplace travel plans
Discover practical ways to help your organisation reduce its car journeys.
Low carbon workplace grants
Find out more about match-funded grants for SMEs in Bedfordshire.
Green skills bootcamp
Free, flexible skills courses for adults aged 19 and over on solar energy and agriculture technology.
Ready for Net Zero Growth Programme
Working in partnership with Green Future Investments Limited, Cranfield is delivering investment support to innovators and entrepreneurs seeking to address the challenges of climate change.
All things digital
Luton is rapidly becoming a hub for digital innovation. Digital skills help businesses of all sizes to grow, compete and boost productivity. Explore grant funding, skills and training opportunities and digital best practice.
Digital advertising with Google Digital Garage
Register for a free, online webinar on digital advertising.
Luton’s Sectors
Airport and aviation
London Luton Airport supports the local economy, creating jobs and skills opportunities while sustaining a cluster of aviation and green economy businesses.
Creative & digital
Luton’s creative hub is clustered around the historic hat district, as a nod to the town’s millinery heyday. Artists, creatives and digital pioneers make up a thriving sector.
Advanced manufacturing and engineering
Globally renowned for automotive manufacturing, Luton is branching out with innovative technology and engineering solutions.