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3 Counties Expo – Luton

Wednesday 28th February at 7:30 am

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The 3 Counties Expo brings together business owners and managers from Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire and Buckinghamshire for a day packed full of opportunities.

New connections are the lifeblood of any business and exhibitions are an ideal way to build new relationships and generate leads for your business.

The programme includes networking events, exhibition stands to showcase your business, business workshops and free entry for visitors.


  • 7:30am – Breakfast networking
  • 9:00am – Expo opens
  • 10:00am – Free workshop (Penny Joiner-Platt on the power of podcasting)
  • 11:00am – Speed networking session
  • 12:00pm – Free workshop (Janet Efere on how to have conversations that convert)
  • 1:30pm – Expo closes
  • 1:30pm – Networking lunch

If you would like to book for this event, please click the link here


Wednesday 28th February
7:30 am - 2:00 pm


Venue 360 – Riverside Conference centre
20 Gypsy Lane
Luton, LU1 3JH United Kingdom
+ Google Map

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