Discover the vision for the future of Luton and how it is being achieved.

Luton has a prosperous future with over £5bn of investment planned and underway

This is Luton’s moment

Luton is taking big steps to become a more inclusive and sustainable place where everyone can share in the benefits of growth.

A £1.7bn town centre regeneration, a thriving business environment and the Premier League spotlight all combine to make the future bright for Luton.

Take a look at our opportunities page for more information on investment opportunities.

  • Ian Abrahams, Founder and Sales Director
    “As a business operating in the heart of Luton for approaching 25 years, the future has never looked better. With so many infrastructure projects, landmark developments and a resilient local economy, there is no place we would rather be.”
    Ian Abrahams
    Founder and Sales Director, Treacle Factory

Luton’s growth sectors are taking off

Key institutions and businesses in Luton are delivering a shared vision, propelling our industries towards strong and sustainable growth. Take a look at our plans.

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