This workshop provides managers/business owners with a broad understanding of the green marketing as an effective organisational branding strategy that focuses on promoting efforts to be environmentally friendly to a target audience.
Benefits to an organisation:
- Helps to build an environmentally sensitive image.
- Increase in sales for products or services that are sustainable or eco-friendly
- Avoid making vague, misleading or false claims about products or services and their subsequent environmental impact (greenwashing)
What will the workshop cover?
- Sustainable Marketing and Green Marketing.
- The ICC Framework for Responsible Environmental Marketing Communications.
- Examples of Green Marketing initiatives (case studies).
- What is Greenwashing and how to avoid it?
By the end of the workshop, delegates will be able to:
- Understand concepts related to the circular economy.
- Practically apply the environmental terms in a real-world context.
- Reflect on the personal and professional benefits of responsible green marketing for businesses and consumers.