An area that many small and new businesses struggle with is developing and defining their marketing approach. Creating a marketing strategy document is something every business owner should do before you start marketing your business. This document not only helps you discover your target market, your focus for messaging, and your strengths as a business, but it can become your ultimate marketing reference guide, keeping all your promotional material consistent, concise, and clear.
In this 3-hour intensive webinar, Let’s Do Business dive into the key areas of a marketing strategy document, breaking down its key sections, and equipping you with the knowledge and tools needed to go and craft your own!
In this power-packed session, they will cover:
- What is Marketing Strategy?
- Market Analysis
- SWOT Analysis
- Identifying Target Audiences
- Analysing Competitor Landscape
- Crafting Your Unique Value Proposition:
- Defining Your Brand Identity
- Creating Compelling Messaging
- Choosing the Right Channels
- Measuring Success with KPIs
Get ready for an immersive learning experience that will transform the way you approach marketing strategy! Use code LUTON24 to access the webinar for free!